Friday, February 5, 2010

We are getting rain on the west coast and it's finally a reasonable amount! I love it because "rain" = Beadtime for me. :D I've just listed a new item on my Etsy store and yesterday added a couple also. I've taken pics of almost all my items and the goal is to get them all posted by the end of February. So I'm hoping for a fairly full calendar of rain. Central California is despirate for the wet stuff, so I don't feel so bad. My heart goes out to all of the friends and relatives on the east coast that are dealing with a tremendous amount of snow, which will hamper some plans to go to the Olympics.

As I get more and more involved with the Etsy community I am learning so much more about online marketing and resources. With each task I've picked up a little more knowledge about what has been a mystery to me. It can all be a daunting experience. However I don't feel it being so overwhelming since the subject matter is my love of beading. So "bring it on," www! (ha!ha!) just figured out that "www" translates to "world wide web". I may be a slow learner at times but the message is that I get there.

Here's to keeping warm and safe. Don't forget to check out the February ebw challenge.

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